Schindler's List
United States / Biography / Drama / History / 1994-02-04 / 3h 15m
649 people
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In German-occupied Poland during World War II, industrialist Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazis.
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Alex Rendell
Schindler's List
1994路Biography路3 h 15 m
Black and white It appears that the comments by IMDB users have to be every bit as black-and-white as the plot of the average Hollywood production? A film has to be either outstanding or miserable? Sorry, can't comply. I recommend Schindler's List to my friends on the basis of its beautiful photography and the outstanding performance by Ben Kingsley. I wouldn't have said that Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson do a great job. Charismatic though they both are, they just put on their usual stone faces for their respective parts. The film is definitely worth seeing, but I would argue that it's overrated all the same. Because... such an immoderate amount of praise has been heaped upon it. True, Spielberg's story about human kindness in adversity is a sweet and all-American story. But it doesn't have much to do with the black-in-black disaster that was the Holocaust.
Schindler's List
1994路Biography路3 h 15 m
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Schindler's List
1994路Biography路3 h 15 m
Great movie Many movies come out each year and we applaud them for their screen play, orginality and whatever else we can say about a movie. But only once in a long while does one come out and you say all those nice things, but one you will also never forget. This movie is more than just something for us to watch for 3 hours and 17 minutes, it is something for us to never forget, to teach us a lesson and to remember those who died needlessly along with those who tried to help those same people survive.
Schindler's List
1994路Biography路3 h 15 m
I can't even watch it Because I cry too much for the sadness of WWII. I saw this film through my high school history class. And I remember, I was the only one who sat down quietly watching and crying. And I looked around, and the other kids were either saying "Pfft. Why is it in black and white?!" or "This is boring". Or laughing at parts when the natzi soldiers would point their guns at the jews and they lifted their hands surrendering. What was so funny? I was in shock on my generation's view of this disaster. Schinler's List is a classic movie. But I can't watch it. Otherwise, I'll go crazy thinking about what the jews, gypsies, and homosexuals went through. 10/10
Schindler's List
1994路Biography路3 h 15 m
Eye opening This movie, Schindler's List, is hands-down without a doubt one of the greatest films I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. Regardless of how much praise I include in my review, I should still think it deserves more. Few movies are actually able to pull tears out of my stubborn eyes, and the two that come right to mind are this one, and It's a Wonderful Life. Schindler's List is a grim portrayal of events in the Holocaust, while at the same time actually bringing light to some of the humanity still there. I was embarrassed when I actually started clapping in that classroom where I first watched this movie. I'd recommend it to anybody and it remains in my top selection of movies. Outstanding.
Schindler's List
1994路Biography路3 h 15 m
Holocaust as Family Drama, Awful Junk This film is very empty, for not only does it portray the Germans as "evil, lop-sided, devil worshippers" but it shows the Jews as being "promising, alluring, good guys". If one is to question morality, then do so, but do not give us the black vs white issue found in this film. Speilberg, immature since day one as director, tells us what to think, he strips away our humanity by overdosing us on excessive amounts of guilt and sentimentality. In effect, the film lacks any moral basis except to denounce all evil men and with that, we learn absolutely nothing.....
Schindler's List
1994路Biography路3 h 15 m
Unforgettable In a sentence, this film was excellence. Spielberg depicts the plight of the Jews in the WWII Holocaust era with a frightening amount of detail, and thus ensures that we don't easily forget what they were put through. I liked the way it was shot in B&W, as Spielberg knows that most people have only seen the war in B&W (on TV and the like), which a lot of people seem to fail to realise. Also, when he does add colour, it gives the audience a lasting impression. The cast was wonderful, the three main leads being excellent in their performances (Neeson, Kingsley and Fiennes) and the supporting cast were just as good. Janusz Kaminski's camerawork was brilliant. John Williams score was incredibly moving, and deserved the Oscar. The music is easily related to Jewish styles of the period. On the whole, a brilliant film, unforgettable, and a lesson to all. It shows that even the most hardened people can change.